5 Tips for parents to keep their children busy during this lockdown
The coronavirus outbreak originating from China has spread across countries and India has also come under the crisis. Within a few days, almost 1362 have been affected and the death toll is rising regularly. In a worldwide scenario, as of April 8, more than 82,080 people worldwide have died of COVID-19, more than 1,431,706 people have tested positive. As an extreme measure, many countries have gone for a complete lockdown and India is one of those. Offices, clubs, schools, restaurants and others are shut down for the moment and parents are having a hard time to keep their children occupied.
Here are the 5 tips for parents to keep their children healthy as well as happy –
Exercise or yoga to keep the child’s mind and body fit –
The lockdown has stopped the children from moving out of their houses and getting involved in outdoor activities like running, playing and others. Sitting at home and doing nothing is a difficult task for the kids but now parents can keep them occupied with various fun indoor activities like yoga, free-hand exercises that will not only keep the body fit but also the mind healthy. Join with your kids in a session of workout and stay happy at home during this lockdown.
Let their passion evolve –
Studies often burden the kids and leave no time to let them do what they love to do, like dancing, painting, playing chess, singing and many others. This is an apt time to let them do what they want to do and it can be all done just by sitting at home. Bring out those paintbrushes and musical instruments and encourage them to create a masterpiece when there’s no study to worry about.
Involve them in reading books –
Everything is digital now and even books. If you have always wanted your kids to read books and they are always seeking a way to get away, then give them a collection of Ruskin Bond or Harry Potter series digitally and see how their eyes light up. Many books are available online and they can read it any time they want. Also, various sites like Scholastic, Twinkle, Quizlet are giving digital learning packs free of cost and you can subscribe to any of those and let your kids read, sitting at home.
Introduce them to a new language –
Make learning fun by introducing new languages to your kids. Various online sites give free of cost new language learning courses and it is high time to let your kid learn one. This will not only add an extra feather to his/her CV later, but will also open up new avenues of education and jobs in the future. Make it enjoyable and exciting by learning one with your children.
Give your children the time that they have always wanted –
Though you may not be free as you are working from home yet you will definitely get some extra time to spend with kids. Your hectic schedule might have always kept you away from you kid and this is a good time to make it up for the same. Read a book to them or involve them in cooking, make some cute videos with them or be a part of their play sessions. This quarantine has opened up opportunities to bond with your children like never before.
While the cases across the world are staggering and the vaccine is yet to be discovered, staying home is the only option to safeguard yourself and your family from this deadly virus. So don’t make staying home boring for you and your kid and do all the easy-breezy things to stay happy and healthy.
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